Headed to the bottom of the world

I just realized that I recently changed memory cards on my camera, so I have a blank card with only the picture that I took outside this internet cafe on it...damnit. Anyways, the last 10 days or so have been pretty hectic once we picked up Gav. Stayed in Rio for one night and showed the ole bear around to Ipanema beach, then onto a Flamengo soccer game, then for a final Carretao before our departure. Left the next morning for Parati, where we stayed two nights (not totally by choice...damn buses), where we managed to get in some good island hopping and swimming. Whisked ourselves off to Sao Paulo for an entire hour, then quickly onto a bus for Foz de Iguacu, apparently the largest falls in the world, but they have a sign right at the entrance that differs from that claim. Spent one night at the falls, then it was off to Buenos Aires, where we are currently located. Had an absolutely fantastic steak dinner (best cut of meat Ive ever had...and it was about $6). Jas managed to find us last night and we went out for a few #########. This city is strange in that everything is pushed back a few hours. People don´t tend to go for dinner until at least 10pm, and bars/clubs will start to fill up at 2-3am. We outlasted them all by playing pool into the wee hours of the morning and have actually yet to go to bed...even though it's noon here....so tired. We just got back from the bus station where we booked a ticket for 9 tonight to head down to Rio Gallegos. It's a 36 hour minimum trip, and will shatter our previous 29 hour bus ride record. Tis about the same distance as from Vancouver to Tijuana (actually a little longer and on crappy roads). We tried to get a flight down there, but due to our poor planning and lazyness, found nothing but booked planes, so we have fallen on our backup plan. The thought of spending not one, but two whole nights on the same bus...well it sucks, but at least we´ll all be plenty tired, given that the plan is to stay awake until them (Randy, you would be so pleased). I think at this point I'm mindlessly rambling so I´ll stop.
Pictures! Outside the internet cafe, looking across the Avenue of 9th of July. Massive street that runs through BA, at this particular point it's 18 lanes wide, yikes.
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