Onward to Brazil!

Mainly a picture update! Been slacking in my posting of these so I figured Id throw a couple up. Spoke with the guys from the Jeff O´Neil Show on the CFox yesterday, very cool, thanks to Scotty and my sister, Tara, for giving me that opportunity! I was on an internet phone so it was a little slow and hard to hear them, but hopefully if it happens again I can grab a landline for a more solid connection. Last night we celebrated Ry´s birthday, actually it was a day long celebration. Started with a champagne, filet mignon & egg breakfast and ended at some weird lounge party/bar populated by a lot of rich Bolivian kids. In between we hit up the mafiaso snooker hall (picture the bar from Goodfellas except all old bolivian men who sit around, smoke, play snooker and run drug operations...pretty sure we were the first and last gringos to ever enter that establishment) and spent some time at the local Irish Pub (yes, there are somehow irish pubs in Bolivia...very authentic). Once we get our visas from the Brazilian Consulate, we hope to grab a train tonight to Brazil! Twill be sad to say goodbye to Bolivia, but alas, all good things must come to an end.
The infamous stone tree in all it´s glory!
My attempt to smoke some dynamite before the mine tour.
Random lake shot from the Salt Tour, looooots of scenery similar to that.
Another shot from the moon...err the salt flats.
The award winning stone statue, built with the help of that random Belgium chap who you see between Ry and Jas. Note the flying buttresses and excellent engineering support. PS - Kiwis...your statue sucked.
The average terrain we drove across during the salt flat tour.
Two random miners in the bowels of the earth. You can see the guy's wad of ever present coca leaves in his cheek. Although confrontational looking, he was actually quite a nice guy and really warmed up once we gave him a few sticks of nitro glycerine to play with.
ha, poor lonely steve! Thanks Gemma, hope yer having fun in hogtown!
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