
In an effort to relax after the samurai disaster, I tried to take it easy the next day. Activities included, lying on the beach, sitting on the beach, surfing on the beach, snorkelling and an hour an a half massage from the beach masseuse! No complaints here! Late Saturday night we decided to go into Guadalajara (wanted to catch this 10am performance, so had to travel during the night). Left on a 12:30 bus from a town north of here. The bus ride was WAY shorter than we were told, so we got to Guadalajara at 4:30am. Hung out in the bus terminal, then wandered around until it got light out, it was a real bonding experience between us and the strange mexican bums that wander the city at those hours. Turns out the performance we were going for was cancelled, so that sucked! Went around to all the churches, some museums and what not, Guadalajara is a very cool old city, most of the old city was built in the late 1500´s/1600´s, so lots of history to take in (even if it was all explained in spanish). Our highlight of the day was the bull fight. For whatever reason, we decided to walk to the bull fight arena, what we didnt know is that, if we were in downtown Vancouver, the bullfighting arena is probably around lougheed mall. So that took some time. Kept stopping along the way for cervezas, so it wasnt all that tough. The bull fights were pretty intense, brought back memories of Tara telling us about her Spaniard bull fighting experience. Although we didnt outright cheer when the bulls got a good shot on a matador, secretly we were all hoping that one of the bulls would win. We had some side bets amongst ourselves as to which bull would do the most damage...still not sure who won that, for as the fighting went on, the cheap cervezas kept flowing. At the end of the fight we followed some kids lead and hopped down onto the field and managed to entertain a small crowd with our own makeshift bullfight (I was the bull, jason was the matador), all while side stepping the giant pools of blood that littered the arena floor. We ran through this side tunnel and came out to where the matadors were, and managed to get some pictures with them (on ry´s camera so i cant show ya). Funny thing is, these guys are all 16, from the stands they look like these hardened warriors, then up close they were kind of these geeky little kids, was pretty cool though. We didnt want to spend a night in guadalajara when we could just travel through the night again, so we hopped on a bus at 8pm and got back to sayulita sometime before 2am. Not sure what the next few days will have planned for us, but I think it involves a lot of sitting around. Really need to find a way to block these bloody spammers on my blog, I know theres a way, but I cant do much from here, given that all the instructions are in spanish! Adios!
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